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The Connor Lumber and Land Company Store is Officially on the WI State Registry of Historic Places!

As of August 16, 2019, the Connor Lumber and Land Company Store was approved by the Wisconsin Historical Society to the Wisconsin State Registry of Historic Places! The nomination is now being sent to the National Park Service for listing in the National Registry of Historic Places.

This is a huge accomplishment for us! Thank you to everyone who helped make this possible!

Board member Jennifer Connor holding the approval certificate for the nomination.

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Daniel Kennedy
Daniel Kennedy
Mar 18, 2023

Our grandchildren received a gift of a doll's chair, highchair, and doll's bedset. The logo on the highchair reads: Colonial Lumber and Land Company, Laona. Could this be from the old

Connor store? Daniel Kennedy

Mar 20, 2023
Replying to

Hi Daniel! Thanks for your inquiry! The only manufacturer of furniture that we know of in Laona was the Connor Lumber and Land Company. I know that they did manufacture doll furniture, some of which did include chairs, high chairs, cribs, and bed sets. It is likely that it was manufactured by Connor Lumber and possibly misprinted when labeled. Some of the pieces of furniture were manufactured in Wausau or Marshfield and were also labeled as from Laona (as that is where Connor Lumber's headquarters was moved to). Some of the labels also included the Connor Lumber logo symbol of a stamped maple leaf. Furniture that was manufactured was primarily sold at the store in Laona, and all…

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